Saturday, September 5, 2009

On Fall

I've been trying to find a good poem about Fall to describe how much I love the thing, but haven't really been able to find one. I decided to write one myself, and although it may not be 'good', I wanted to share it with you.

One Of The Things

I remember once going to a Utah sweet corn
stand with Dad
and sitting on a bail of hay in the parking lot,
wedged between two blazing orange suns
of pumpkindom,
my arms around them like they were my brothers
and we were getting along.
It was in some Autumn
when I decided that the moon would be
my friend,
that I would be thankful
and would give thanks mostly for that weird
tilty light of the sun,
that yes, I would love to sit on the porch
and seek out the hot colors of the Rockies.


Mellanee said...

Wonderful, Belina!

Mellanee said...

Dad will be so pleased that he is part of your poem since he loves fall almost as much as he loves you.

Leslie said...

OOh...please write more. What a perfect picture of Fall. It is definitely one of my favorite seasons. The only downfall for me is that Winter follows.

Unknown said...

I love you.
