Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Why Scary Movies Get A Thumbs Way Down..I Mean YOU, The Shining.

I've stayed up too late. Again. This always happens on vacations. The rest of the family goes to sleep and I'm stuck in front of this laptop reading blogs, shopping, and doing homework. Eventually I get tired. Very tired. And then common household sounds start to sound scary. Right now the gate on my parent's deck is blowing up against the house. I don't dare look out the window because I'm afraid some scary person like Jack Nicholson will be standing out there with an axe. Maybe one of the zombies from "I Am Legend", who knows. Another wierd fear when I'm very, very tired? Kids. Yep. I'm afraid of little kids when I'm tired. My worst fear is that I will be laying in bed and I'll open my eyes and a small strange child (or two) will be standing there, just staring at me. No this has never happened before. No I am not crazy. Just very, very tired. And I have seen too many scary movies. When this happens I want to run in the bathroom and lock the door, but then I wonder if that's even safe. Is it bad that that picture makes me laugh? Alot?
Goodnight, scary world.


Kjersti said...

Being in the bathroom scared me because of movies like The Changling. Plus there's the mirror, and come on, how many times in scary movies do they let you see scary stuff going on in the mirror. Not a bathroom sanctuary fan. I stay curled in bed without moving, and sometimes if I'm really scared, I get Kameryn out of her bed and bring her in with me.

Kimba said...

I usually run for the covers, that type of thing. And wake up or call Caleb. "Hi! I know it's 2 am, but I stayed up late and watched scary movies and I'm scared and you should suffer because of my stupidity." And then in his sleep-induced coma, he tells me something strange or says, That's nice honey, and I hear him smack his lips back to sleep. And usually this breaks me out of my freaked-out state. Imagining Caleb with the phone up to his ear, smacking his lips and groaning back to bed. What a nerd. :)

Tanner said...

You're not alone. Ever since seeing The Ring I have a fear of Asian girls with long black hair. I know that movie came out like 5 years ago, but they still creap me out...